New paper on irrigation mapping by Joost Brombacher et al

Now published in Agricultural Water Management: A novel evapotranspiration based irrigation quantification method using the hydrological similar pixels algorithm.

Joost Brombacher: “We are proud to present our new paper, published in Agricultural Water Management (, where we use eLEAF‘s high-resolution evapotranspiration estimates and the novel Hydrological Similar Pixels (HSP) approach to estimate the irrigation water use at farm level at a monthly interval. We were able to validate our results for three study areas in Spain, South Africa, and Australia thanks to the WaterSENSE, Irrigation+, and CCN Owasis projects.

Operationally, this algorithm is being used in the Water Auditing application, where water allocations are being compared with our water use estimates, to give waterboards insight in the water consumption at farm level (

Below an example of the product, which shows the benefit of using high-resolution evapotranspiration data to be able to distinguish irrigated patterns within a farm. These results were also shared with our local partners in Australia during the visit of the WaterSENSE consortium.”